No More Mr. J Season 1 may have shown that the writers had a lot of comedic talent, but season...
Geek Hash is a animation world network dedicated to the latest news and information about 3D animation. We cover everything from the latest animation releases to interviews with industry professionals, animation news websites and even tips on how to get started in the world of 3D animation.
We provide comprehensive industry coverage, including 3D animation news, 2D animation news, and more. We also feature interviews with animators and other industry professionals and advice from experts on how you can make your animated film or video game. Our goal is to provide a one-stop-shop for all things animation-related. Whether you are an aspiring animator or an expert in the field, we have something for everyone. Geek Hash is your go-to source for 3D animation news, but we also cover everything else in the world of cartoons. If it’s happening in the animation magazine, we’re covering it!
DANGER ZOOOONE It may be still ongoing, with possibly three more seasons in sight, but that has not stopped its...