AMD Software Releases Ray Tracing Software as Open Source

While they’ve been known recently for one upping Nvidia at every possible turn, AMD made a recent mistake. During an update for the AMD Rays software in Unity, originally it was only available via the CPU. Since that made it extremely limited, many were waiting for it to be available on the GPU.

That finally happened earlier this week when AMD Rays 4.0 was released, unfortunately it was not open source. When the community went into an uproar, AMD’s CEO partially backtracked it.

AMD’s Ray software is now available for open source usage, but certain API options are not. Effectively allowing anyone to mess around with it and see what they can create/render instead of just developers.

If you’re wondering what AMD Radeon Ray’s do for gaming or engine overhaul, it’s effectively Ray Tracing. So helping to make things more realistic, it goes a huge way to helping artists create better CGI. 

Recently, Ray Tracing was something that was only really being advertised by Nvidia. Their RTX cards are built around using Ray Tracing software for gaming. FireRays (or AMD Radeon Rays) is an open source RAy Tracing program via AMD. Meaning that if you don’t want ray tracing on games, then just use it for art.

IT’s free ray tracing guys, how can you pass that up?


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