Walmart Raising Tobacco Purchase Age To 21 In U.S.

Walmart Raising Tobacco Purchase Age To 21 In U.S.

Walmart the world’s largest retailer is raising the age limit to buy tobacco product including e-cigarettes. From July 1st 2019, the company will stop selling tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21 in the United States.

Walmart will also discontinue the sale of all food and dessert flavor electronic nicotine delivery systems. The discontinuation will be applicable in all Walmart retail stores and hypermarts.

This decision from Walmart came after they received a letter from the US Food and Drug Administration last month.

The letter from the FDA requested submission of a plan to end tobacco sales to minors. Walmart will also stop selling other devices used to consume tobacco.

The FDA started a campaign to prevent kids from using e-cigarettes. They claim that nicotine use is hazardous to young adults’ health, even when inhaled with an e-cigarette.

We believe these actions taken by Walmart is a good message and demonstrates excellent social responsibility.
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