The New Mutants Is Finally Happening Folks!

After literal years of setbacks, a really cool trailer and radio silence, we’re finally getting it. New Mutants is coming soon! Before you rush over to Fandango however, you might want to read the rest of this article.

The New Mutants film made an official announcement via their Social Media Twitter page.

So it looks like we will be getting a theatrical release fairly soon. Or a few months time in this case, which is honestly not that bad all things considered.

Fans of the X-Men franchise have been waiting for this film for quite some time. After the immense success of Logan as a darker entry, and the mind bending awesomeness of Days of Future Past. There was certainly a demand for more mature and thematic storytelling within the X-Men Franchise.

When Disney purchased the rights to the Fox/X-Men character, fans assumed that New Mutants would be done. We all kind of expected that we were never going to see the film release.

Well, luckily it appears that Disney is going to give us one last fling at the Fox X-Men universe. Right before that were getting set for an MCU X-Men reveal.

Here’s hoping that New Mutants will be well received and filmed, allowing X-Men to go out on a high note.


What do you think of the new release date for The New Mutants? Will you be buying a ticket for the August release? Let us know in the comments below!


For more updates on movies and New Mutants, keep it locked here on Geekhash!

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