Deadpool Creator: Zero Plans for Deadpool 3 at Marvel

According to Deadpool creator, Rob Liefeld, Marvel Studios has “zero” plans to make Deadpool 3.

The news comes from an interview Liefeld had with Inverse, where he was asked about the Deadpool/X-Force characters now that they are owned by Disney.

“I don’t know. Here’s what people don’t want to hear, but thank God I’m a realist. I feel like Deadpool, the movies, they’ve set sail. We got two brilliant movies, and we live in a culture that always looks forward because all they’re ever selling us is ‘next, next, next.’ It’s the fever. For me, as the fever calms down, people just need to calm down and realize that Deadpool 1 and 2 were released within two years of each other, 2016 and 2018, and I just can’t… I’m not really that crazy about Marvel’s plan right now.”

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He expressed a lack of enthusiasm for the studio’s upcoming Phase 4, which includes films such as Black Widow and The Eternals. It’s a line-up that is missing any of the new characters they just acquired.

He said that even if they started working on a third movie right now, it wouldn’t come out for another four years, something he “can’t get excited about…”

This more pessimistic outlook is opposite what has been expressed by star, Ryan Reynolds, and director, David Leitch, in recent statements.

We have no idea what the future for Deadpool is, but we do know that there is still plenty of material from the character left that Disney could use. We can only wait and see what they are planning for the future.

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