Samsung Chairmen Faces More Backlash – Denounces His Children as Successors

Samsung has faced some pretty serious backlash over the last few days over the succession of the CEO. Lee Jae-yong, the Vice Chairman of the prolific smartphone manufacturer Samsung, had a rough start in 2017.

He was arrested and jailed for embezzlement, bribery and various other discretional offenses. His subsequent arrest and public scandal also caused the downfall of South Korean President Park Geun-hye.


Currently slated to undergo a retrial this year, Lee made a public apology about how his arrest reflected the company.

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During the PR conference, Lee also made a public announcement that he would not be allowing his children to succeed him. Effectively ending the family ties with Samsung after his passing or removal, pending the court verdict.

The controversy that caused everything in the first place saw several businesses accepting bribes. Mostly to ensure public stability but also ensuring smooth transitions, such as the case with Samsung.

We’ll have to wait and see what the fallout of these trials will be. While stock and public image has certainly taken a hit, it seems that Samsung will inevitably rebound.


Whats your take on the Lee Samsung controversy? Did it kill your plans to ever purchase a Samsung product or do you think it’s being blown out of proportion? Let us know in the comments below!


Stay tuned here at Scoophash for more updates as they come out!

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