Tesla Production at 0% – Shanghai Factory Shuts Down

Concerns have been raised recently for a lot of things surrounding Tesla. Including when Elon Musk made a recent rant on Twitter that caused stock prices to drop. Musk had also recently been reported to be pretty upset at his Bay Area factory having to shut down due to COVID work shortages.

Now, it appears that the factory located in Shanghai is facing a similar issue. As it appears to also have been shut down temporarily. This brings Tesla’s current production percentage to a heartbreaking zero percent.

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Before you start selling your Tesla Stock en masse, there is something to be aware of. Workers at the plant were permitted a May 1st – 5th holiday in Shanghai. According to sources, they were told to return on the 9th so that required maintenance could be conducted.

Seems like a perfectly logical explanation. Combined with the news that Musk is increasing net worth, and Tesla reported recorded numbers. So there is definitely a lot of reasons to remain in good faith with Tesla.

Musk Is Certainly Vocal

Even after Elon Musk went on a tirade on social media and in interviews, the company is doing well. Elon has been frequently vocal about how upset he is with social distancing rules. Saying that the imposed rules are in direct confrontation of individual freedoms.

Seeing reports of protests in places like LA, Denver and New York, it would seem that a lot of people agree. Time will tell what this means for the US and the world at large.

When you have influential people like Musk backing you up though, all it does is embolden people. Hopefully they stick to just protesting and nothing spirals out of control.


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