Sonic The Hedgehog 2 Is Officially Happening

Uhhh… Meow?

After all of the hard work and reshoots that the crew did, they kinda deserve this win. After they had numerous complaints about Sonic’s look, they went back and completely redid the CGI. Resulting in one of the better video game movies and earning a modest box office return in the process.

Seems that the hard work and fan appreciation is paying off for the creative team behind Sonic. As Paramount has officially given the Sonic sequel a green light, with both director and writers returning.

No timeline has yet been established, which is understandable considering the world we live in right now. COVID has shut down all major film productions until further notice. Movie theaters are still at least a month away from reopening. Protests and riots are taking place across the US etc.

All in all, it will be a while before we really have any hard details for the Sonic sequel. But it’s probably safe to say that Ben Schwartz and Jim Carrey will reprise their roles. Respectively speaking, they were the best part of the movie by a good margin.

Second Times the Charm

Hopefully things will go a little bit smoother for the sequel than it did for the predecessor. When the trailer first debuted for the movie, the backlash was pretty intense. 

Fans and critics alike ripped the trailer apart for the horrendous CGI and Sonic’s overall look. And when we say ripped it apart, we mean like Reddit going after EA levels of being ripped apart. It was brutal to the max.

Seriously? I paid 80$ to have Vader locked? from r/StarWarsBattlefront

Eventually, when the team said that they’d be going back to drawing board and redesigning everything, fans were skeptical. Then, after they dropped an updated trailer with Sonic’s new look, Paramount and crew received tons of support. 

Opinions are pretty varied on whether or not Paramount made the right decision to curtail to fan demand over the changes. Either people believed that fans overreacted and forced a bad influence for future movies. Others believe that Paramount and crew did the right thing and showed the power of believing in your audience. 

Nowadays, with news that Zack Snyder’s Justice League fan campaign finally worked. And, the possibility that David Ayer’s Suicide Squad may get the same treatment, it’s a different world. Naysayers for the Sonic changes are being drowned out by studios finally listening to fans. 

What do you make of Sonic the Hedgehog getting an official sequel? Did you like the first movie? Let us know what you think in the comments below!


For more updates on Sonic the Hedgehog, stay tuned here at Geekhash!

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