DC Hitting a Rough Patch Due to the recent restructuring of WarnerMedia, DC Comics DC Universe are being affected by...
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Fortnite is set to be getting an update that will bring drivable cars to the battle royale. The Joyride Update...
Following the rumors following a leak, 343 Industries has confirmed that the multiplayer for Halo Infinite will be free-to-play and...
Toss Another Coin to Your Witcher After the success of the first season of Netflix’s The Witcher, the streaming platform...
Disney and Marvel have recruited several directors to direct episodes of the Hawkeye series coming to Disney+, starring Jermey Renner’s...
A recent dig into the source code for Sony’s direct.playstation.com – the retail website for the company’s hardware – found...
The Official Announcement Comes Out Rocksteady, the developer behind the Batman Arkham games, has officially announced they are working on...
A new report today claims that Sony will be releasing its next announcement about the PS5 this month. According to...
Playground Games has spoken about its upcoming game in the Fable series, and how it is hoping to “balance” the...
After a long wait, Red Dead Online is set to be getting a “massive” update that will add a new...
Christopher Nolan’s Tenet has been delayed, as it has been completely removed from Warner Bros’ release calendar, as reported by...
Marvel and Disney have seemed to quietly confirm that The Falcon and the Winter Soldier won’t be making its August...