Destiny 2's upcoming DLC has been officially delayed by Bungie

Destiny 2: Beyond Light Delayed to November

Wake Me, When You Nee- Wait, Wrong Bungie Game

Yet another gaming delay has hit the industry, fans of Destiny 2 will have to brace. It looks like Bungie is going to be extending Season of Arrivals and delaying Beyond Light by two months. 

Bungie cited that the increased difficulties with working from home during the pandemic are primarily to blame. In their announcement they detail how they needed more time on the next chapter of Destiny 2.

“The past few months have been a challenge and will continue to be during this pandemic. We’ve learned to create together in a new way, by having to work apart from one another. Despite these hurdles, we’re still committed to the same level of quality that our fans expect.”

So looks like we’ll be getting two more months of Season of Arrivals. We don’t know if that will mean that new content will come out for Arrivals, or if it’ll be twy dry months of content. Hopefully Bungie incorporates something new into that season.

We will be getting Festival of the Lost during that time frame, so maybe Bungie will give us a tease with that. Perhaps an upcoming Legendary or Exotic weapon? Who knows, we’ll have to wait and see.

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This Week at Bungie

Delays are not the only thing that Bungie addressed this week. They also went over some notable issues and upcoming changes for glitched out quests, Exotics and Moments of Triumph. Sadly, and frustratingly, there is zero update on the cheater problem.

Currently, in both Trials of Osiris and Quickplay, cheating is becoming a major problem. It’s been covered to death by content creators like Aztecross, and Bungie has said that they’re doing something. 

That being said, whatever is being done is not being seen by a lot of players. For example, we got permanently turned off of Trials last season. We barely got the Lighthouse after sweating our ass off for hours at a time. 

On trying to run it a second time for a friend of ours, we ran into no less than three teams that all had cheaters carrying them. When things go from friendly competition and skill to just trying to run away from a player on god mode, that’s a problem.

There’s got to be something more from Bungie for the cheater problem. Yes, they are working at limited capacity and from home, but at some point players are going to lose their patience. Crucible has become a complete toxic place to be, and it’s only getting worse.

Whenever Bungie decides to do something more permanent we will let you know right here. 


For more updates on Bungie and the upcoming DLC Beyond Light, stay tuned right here at Geekhash!

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