The Solstice of Heroes event in Destiny 2 has officially begun

Destiny 2 Solstice of Heroes Event is Fun if a Little Boring

Tried and True?

The annual gaming event inside of Destiny 2, Solstice of Heroes, is officially live as of Tuesday morning. Solstice of Heroes brings a new armor set, new Eververse items, new Universal Ornaments and possible secrets. 

So for those of you who are unaware of what Solstice of Heroes is, here’s a brief little rundown of the event.

After speaking with Eva Levante, she’ll give you a rare helmet, you’ll notice that this rare helmet has different objectives to complete. For example, mine had; Defeat 50 Hive, Create EAZ Orbs and get Precision Kills. Relatively easy and straightforward, all things considered. 

After receiving the helmet from Levante, you’ll have to complete a run through the European Aerial Zone. The EAZ is an arena specific to Solstice of Heroes and features a much more vertical and wide open arena then any other activity.

EAZ is Bungie at Their Visual Finest

It works pretty simply as far as activities go. You get a few minutes, and in those few minutes you need to run around the EAZ killing as many minibosses as you can within the time limit. The higher the number, the more difficult the final boss. And the more difficult the final boss/number of minibosses, the more chests you get to hunt afterwards. 

Pretty straightforward, but it is also very enjoyable. Running around this massive arena and hunting down bosses in abandoned buildings is quite a bit of fun.

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After that first run, you go back to Eva Levante and she gives you a full rare set of armor with random objectives to complete on each piece. Which is where Solstice of Heroes gets equally more fun and equally more annoying.

Completing the rare armor set is long, like take a full day or several days across a couple hours long. Seriously large amount of grinding is nothing new to the Destiny 2 community, but that’s also just the rare set. Once you get the Legendary set, you get to do even more grinding. And if you’re not an endgame person (Dungeons, Raids, Trials etc) then good luck getting the Majestic Set and getting those Ornaments.

No New Weapons… So Far

Doesn’t help that Destiny 2 players are noticing that there’s a distinct lack of new quests to go alongside the event. Usually, with events like Revelry, Festival of the Lost and Guardian Games, there was a reason to play the event. You got rewarded an exclusive Exotic or unlocked new story content. 

Granted, the Majestic Armor does look pretty sweet, but if you were speculating like us that we’d be getting Traveler’s Chosen, think again. We still have some time for a quest or a specific unlockable to be unveiled, but we’re thinking that it probably isn’t happening. 

Most likely, Solstice of Heroes will just be a drawn out community event in Destiny 2 that is just there to serve as filler. Keep us happy with new armor and a recurring arena to satiate us until Beyond Light is available. But who knows, there’s still time to be surprised by the event.


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