Ben Affleck's role in The Flash has been revealed as a return to Batman

Ben Affleck Is Officially Back as Batman… Sort Of

Batfleck is Back… fleck

After the news that Ben Affleck had reportedly signed a new contract for DCEU movies, many were left wondering what this meant for the Batman character. After all, we have a confirmed multiverse thanks to the casting of Michael Keaton in The Flash. And on the other hand, we also have a possible prequel trilogy thanks to Matt Reeves’ The Batman.

Well, it does appear that Ben Affleck is indeed returning the cowl of the Dark Knight, but as we postulated, probably not how you thought. Ben Affleck is coming back as Batman in a number of undisclosed roles, but one that is confirmed is a role in The Flash

A Flashpoint movie would also make the most sense

According to director Andy Muschietti, Ben Affleck’s Batman plays a central and important role to the plot of the upcoming Flash movie. Lending even more credibility to the potential that this is indeed a Flashpoint movie. 

A Flashpoint movie would also make the most sense, as it gives DC the ability to basically wipe the slate clean. While also giving them the in universe opportunity to keep some actors, let others go and get a second chance at origin movies. Might explain the reason that The Batman is creating an entirely new cast for already established characters in the DCEU.

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It appears that this plan for Ben Affleck was actually in the cards for quite a while before the announcement. Affleck was intending on never coming back to the role after the profound failure of Justice League. What prompted the return was a two fold event, that may seem already obvious given the confirmation of the Snyder Cut.

However, it wasn’t really the Snyder Cut that completely changed Ben Affleck’s mind about the role. Muschietti had actually requested that Ben Affleck give him some notes on the script/screenplay, which Affleck eventually did. During that process of rewriting and giving notes, he found a rekindled love for the character and agreed to come back for the film. 

where’s that supposed Deathstroke movie that was being written by Gareth Evans?

Originally Ben Affleck was actually directing and starring in a Batman film, set to debut Joe Manganiello’s Deathstroke as the key villain. Speaking of which, where’s that supposed Deathstroke movie that was being written by Gareth Evans? Would love to see that get announced at DC FanDome… Where was I? Right, Batfleck.

After Ben Affleck left the role, it seemed like nothing was really going to happen in terms of the movie getting made. Then, out of nowhere, Matt Reeves, who was co-writing the film with Affleck, was tapped to recast the film. Making it seem like Ben Affleck was well and truly gone from the DCEU.

Even though he’s been in the cards for a while as a director, we really didn’t think that he’d be back acting in the role. We’re both surprised and elated to learn otherwise, because we really enjoyed his turn as Batman. Bringing that massive physicality to the role that really no other actor ever came close to. His Batman felt scary, and that Warehouse fight scene? Oh, that’s Batman gold right there folks.


For more news, updates and articles on The Flash and Ben Affleck’s Batman, stay tuned right here at Geekhash!

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