A Brief Preamble During E3 of 2018, Bethesda announced a new Fallout game. Something that was unprecedented in the...
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Don’t Doubt ur Vibe! Sometimes we’re graced with a music artist dropping a new track out of nowhere. Other days...
Earlier yesterday there was a surprising announcement/leak from Samsung, the new phone from the tech mongol. The aptly named Samsung...
LETS GO BOYS! The race is on guys! Sony and Microsoft have been gearing up to reveal the next generation...
EA has announced that they have delayed their EA Play Live event from June 11th to June 18th at 4...
We finally got our first look at Sony’s next console today when the company hosted a digital event to show...
Google Stadia will be set to launch on November 19, 2019. A revolutionary gaming system without the gaming system being...
Looks like Apple is once again in trouble with slowing down old cell phones. Recently a French competition and fraud...
The Man Without Fear Returns Both sad news and good news for anyone that was a fan of the Daredevil...
Peace Out Caboose Fans of the groups like Achievement Hunter and the show Red Vs Blue probably have no idea...
We all have seen the memes of the Series X and the PS5, they look a little wack. But outside...