As rumors of a sequel coming to the Fable game series circulate, Microsoft has applied to renew its trademark for...
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Amazon has announced they a new series based on the Fallout series of games, with Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy,...
The Dark Knight Film That Could Have Been Both Frank Miller, the legendary comic writer, and Darren Aronofsky, acclaimed film...
Noah Centineo has been cast as Atom Smasher in DC’s long-awaited Shazam! spin-off, Black Adam. Centineo is best-known for his...
Black Ops is Back We have finally gotten the official announcement for this year’s entry into the Call of Duty...
A New Leak Gives Us a Good Look Some footage from the alpha of this year’s Call of Duty: Black...
While The Batman is still a ways away, Warner Bros. is working on expanding that film’s world by ordering a...
Looks like Apple is once again in trouble with slowing down old cell phones. Recently a French competition and fraud...
A Brief Preamble During E3 of 2018, Bethesda announced a new Fallout game. Something that was unprecedented in the...
Just a few days ago, Game Science’s Black Myth: Wukong was more or less unknown. But on August 20th, the...
A listing for this year’s Call of Duty has allegedly leaked on the Microsoft Store. You can check out the...
Charlize Theron has shared an update on Atomic Blonde 2, and has confirmed that the sequel’s script is currently being...