As rumors of a sequel coming to the Fable game series circulate, Microsoft has applied to renew its trademark for...
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With the news that Microsoft has shut down its streaming service, Mixer, many are wondering what kind of consequences this...
Rocksteady Games, the studio behind the Arkham series, is reportedly the studio behind the Suicide Squad game allegedly leaked through...
A new game in the Star Wars universe was leaked this morning on the Xbox website, and it looks to...
We finally got our first look at Sony’s next console today when the company hosted a digital event to show...
To the casual observer, you might think that editing software like Final Cut or Adobe are your only options to...
Amazon has announced they a new series based on the Fallout series of games, with Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy,...
Microsoft has announced it will be pulling the plug on its gaming-streaming service, Mixer, and will be moving its users...
After years of rumors that Apple would be making the switch from Intel-based processors to their own for Mac computers,...
The PS5 memes have arrived! Yesterday, we finally got a look at the PS5 and its design is very different...
After an indefinite delay, the fourth season of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is set to launch tonight at 2...
Games can be fun on their own, but almost anything is more fun when you have friends with you! Since...