As rumors of a sequel coming to the Fable game series circulate, Microsoft has applied to renew its trademark for...
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If you want to be up to date in entertainment, visit GeekHash. We bring the best stories into one place for you. Our experts and editors are always on the lookout for new trends and developments in the entertainment industry. Your favorite stars will soon be part of our team! We scour the web to bring you the most entertaining and informative coverage of pop culture news in one place, covering all your favorite topics. Share your thoughts on the latest celebrity scandals, trends, and more by commenting on our articles on entertainment news!
While The Batman is still a ways away, Warner Bros. is working on expanding that film’s world by ordering a...
The Crucible Beckons Guard- Wait, wrong game… While they are still preparing to release their MMO New World, Amazon made...
Production for film and television have resumed in New Zealand, meaning that any shooting that needs to be finished for...
The Dark Knight Film That Could Have Been Both Frank Miller, the legendary comic writer, and Darren Aronofsky, acclaimed film...
Kate Kane will not be recast after Ruby Rose left the show, and CW will instead bring in a new...
The final Daniel Craig Bond film, No Time to Die, is going to be opening in the U.S. a little...
Amazon has announced they a new series based on the Fallout series of games, with Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy,...
While the coronavirus pandemic has shuttered several film productions around the world, one production is starting back up: Avatar 2....
Tell Me, Do You Stream? Arguably one of the most unappreciated movies in the last decade, Batman V Superman is...
First Ever African American Batwoman After the news that Ruby Rose was leaving the CW series ‘Batwoman’, everyone wondered who’d...
Batfleck is Back… fleck After the news that Ben Affleck had reportedly signed a new contract for DCEU movies, many...