Known for his roles in Mission Impossible and Man of Steel, he may be coming back!

Henry Cavill Is Both Confident and Willing to Come Back as Superman

Same here Henry, Same Here

While he may be more well known to some as Geralt of Rivia in Netflix’s The Witcher series. Henry Cavill is affectionately known to many more as Clark Kent, AKA Superman in the DCEU films.

Most notably, we loved his role in Batman V Superman (which is criminally underrated) and Man of Steel. He truly came into his own during these roles and made the best Superman on the silver screen so far.

It appears that he doesn’t want to be done with the role either. In a recent interview that he shared with Patrick Stewart, who also became well known for his superhero role, Cavill reflected on the Superman role. 

I’ve always been a fan of Superman. With a character like that, you carry the mantle with you off set. And it becomes part of your public representation. When you meet children, children don’t necessarily see me as Henry Cavill, but they might see Superman, and there’s a responsibility which comes with that. Because it’s such a wonderful character, it’s actually a responsibility I’m happy to have, and I hope that I get to play more of Superman in years to come.”

You really can’t help but love Henry Cavill and his enthusiasm he carries for his roles. He’s basically just a ripped nerd who lucked out and landed the role of a lifetime. 

Like a Fine Wine

This is really shown in just how well aged his role as Superman has grown with fans. Both inside and outside the DC fan stratosphere, Henry Cavill as Superman has only gotten better with age. Many weren’t really big fans of him at first when Man of Steel initially released.

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His heavier gravitas, less boyish nature, more mature and morally grey outlook on some issues polarized a lot of people. Luckily, as time went on, and more people started to analyze the Snyder film, perspectives certainly changed around.


Mix in all of the hype behind the upcoming Zack Snyder cut, as well as Henry Cavill opening up about doing his own stunts. Oh, and that Henry Cavill has been cryptically teasing a return to the mantle, which would make us stupidly happy. Basically, you got a recipe for a portrayal that was ahead of its time, but came out in an awkward phase of superhero movies.

Marvel was completely dominating the market with their colorful more fun filled romps. The market was more about having fun then it was about telling a story or creating a complex narrative.

If the rumors are indeed true and Henry Cavill could be returning to the Superman character, perhaps times have changed. Maybe audiences are more prepared for DC’s grittier and more nuanced take on superheroes.

Personally, in case it wasn’t obvious from other articles, we’ve been ready for that wave for a while. Some of our favorites of all time are films like The Dark Knight, Batman V Superman and Man of Steel. Not to mention underrated gems like Watchmen, Super and Defendor. It’s time to move on to new things, and hopefully Henry Cavill returns to usher in that new time!


What do you think of Cavill’s prospective return? Let us know in the comments below and stay tuned here at Geekhash!

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