Despite being an avid naysayer of the sequel trilogy from Disney Star Wars, admittedly, there were some amazing moments now...
Christopher Nolan’s Tenet has been delayed, as it has been completely removed from Warner Bros’ release calendar, as reported by...
Russo Brothers Meets James Bond Promising some Winter Soldier vibes and Extraction type action? Count us in all the way....
Marvel and Disney have seemed to quietly confirm that The Falcon and the Winter Soldier won’t be making its August...
Yet Another Setback for Tenet Bad news for fans looking forward to Nolan’s upcoming film, Tenet. After numerous setbacks, movie...
When the news of the release of the Snyder Cut, many wondered if any reshoots would be done to bring...
Disney and Marvel have recruited several directors to direct episodes of the Hawkeye series coming to Disney+, starring Jermey Renner’s...
More Suicide Squad? You can’t keep passionate fans down. Especially when it comes to DC fans who feel like they...
Noah Centineo has been cast as Atom Smasher in DC’s long-awaited Shazam! spin-off, Black Adam. Centineo is best-known for his...
After multiple delays and changes of directors, Tom Holland’s Uncharted movie has finally begun shooting. Holland took to social media...
Charlize Theron has shared an update on Atomic Blonde 2, and has confirmed that the sequel’s script is currently being...
Another week, another round of teasing and hyoe-building for the next iteration of Batman in the form of Matt Reeves’...